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I personally recommend using the 3 to 5 minute settings to add friends. I also recommend somewhere between 100 - 300 friend requests a day. If you go any faster than this, Facebook may block your ability to send friend requests for 24-72 hours.
Yes! There is an official Facebook group for support, there is also live chat support and full time software engineers always working on this software 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and they are always adding new features and building things that the users want.
Yes, this will work in any Facebook group you are a member of. You just need to go to the members page of that group and you can start adding all the friends you want.
Facebook can ban you from their software for any reason at anytime they wish. People have been using this extension for almost 2 years now. It has been used to add over 50,000 or more Facebook friends to peoples profiles. Get up to 5000, delete everyone, and then start over again. There have been a few times Facebook has blocked someone from sending friend requests for 72 hours because they were sending them too fast. This is why I recommend not sending them faster than 3 - 5 minute intervals.
No, there is not an affiliate program. There is a Partner Program where you get UNLIMITED accounts on Friend Connector that you can give away as lead magnets, add as a bonus to your offers, or SELL at whatever price you want and keep 100% of the revenue.*Upon Completion of your Purchase, please respond to the "Friend Connector" email if you are interested.
I personally recommend using the 3 to 5 minute settings to add friends. I also recommend somewhere between 100 - 300 friend requests a day. If you go any faster than this, Facebook may block your ability to send friend requests for 24-72 hours.
Yes! There is an official Facebook group for support, there is also live chat support and full time software engineers always working on this software 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and they are always adding new features and building things that the users want.
Yes, this will work in any Facebook group you are a member of. You just need to go to the members page of that group and you can start adding all the friends you want.
Facebook can ban you from their software for any reason at anytime they wish. People have been using this extension for almost 2 years now. It has been used to add over 50,000 or more Facebook friends to peoples profiles. Get up to 5000, delete everyone, and then start over again. There have been a few times Facebook has blocked someone from sending friend requests for 72 hours because they were sending them too fast. This is why I recommend not sending them faster than 3 - 5 minute intervals.
No, there is not an affiliate program. There is a Partner Program where you get UNLIMITED accounts on Friend Connector that you can give away as lead magnets, add as a bonus to your offers, or SELL at whatever price you want and keep 100% of the revenue.*Upon Completion of your Purchase, please respond to the "Friend Connector" email if you are interested.
I personally recommend using the 3 to 5 minute settings to add friends. I also recommend somewhere between 100 - 300 friend requests a day. If you go any faster than this, Facebook may block your ability to send friend requests for 24-72 hours.
Yes! There is an official Facebook group for support, there is also live chat support and full time software engineers always working on this software 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and they are always adding new features and building things that the users want.
Yes, this will work in any Facebook group you are a member of. You just need to go to the members page of that group and you can start adding all the friends you want.
Facebook can ban you from their software for any reason at anytime they wish. People have been using this extension for almost 2 years now. It has been used to add over 50,000 or more Facebook friends to peoples profiles. Get up to 5000, delete everyone, and then start over again. There have been a few times Facebook has blocked someone from sending friend requests for 72 hours because they were sending them too fast. This is why I recommend not sending them faster than 3 - 5 minute intervals.
No, there is not an affiliate program. There is a Partner Program where you get UNLIMITED accounts on Friend Connector that you can give away as lead magnets, add as a bonus to your offers, or SELL at whatever price you want and keep 100% of the revenue.*Upon Completion of your Purchase, please respond to the "Friend Connector" email if you are interested.
I personally recommend using the 3 to 5 minute settings to add friends. I also recommend somewhere between 100 - 300 friend requests a day. If you go any faster than this, Facebook may block your ability to send friend requests for 24-72 hours.
Yes! There is an official Facebook group for support, there is also live chat support and full time software engineers always working on this software 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and they are always adding new features and building things that the users want.
Yes, this will work in any Facebook group you are a member of. You just need to go to the members page of that group and you can start adding all the friends you want.
Facebook can ban you from their software for any reason at anytime they wish. People have been using this extension for almost 2 years now. It has been used to add over 50,000 or more Facebook friends to peoples profiles. Get up to 5000, delete everyone, and then start over again. There have been a few times Facebook has blocked someone from sending friend requests for 72 hours because they were sending them too fast. This is why I recommend not sending them faster than 3 - 5 minute intervals.
No, there is not an affiliate program. There is a Partner Program where you get UNLIMITED accounts on Friend Connector that you can give away as lead magnets, add as a bonus to your offers, or SELL at whatever price you want and keep 100% of the revenue.*Upon Completion of your Purchase, please respond to the "Friend Connector" email if you are interested.
Se lancer dans l'auto construction avec réussite vous oblige à :
Avoir le contrôle sur chacun des point depuis la conception, réalisation de tous les documents, formations et accompagnement, accéder aux achats PRO et leurs conditions et qualités, puis la construction accompagnée avec méthode et standard VIP.
Gagner le contrôle de sa vie, par des choix raisonner, qui vous rendent la liberté de choisir et comment vous voulez le faire.
Le premier pas vers votre liberté !